L’autre choix mini marché
L’Autre Choix brings together kindred spirits seeking slow food. This petite sanctuary of good eating is the brainchild of Clara Kwan, a spunky champion of independent organic farmers and food grown on the values of organic and sustainable agriculture.
At L’Autre Choix eating “is an agricultural act.” This means that customers can trust that the food they buy comes with a clean bill of health in terms of farming and production history. Organically grown, sustainably farmed, fairly traded, locally produced - these are the values that L’Autre Choix offers to its customers. Not only this, but we also care for our customers by knowing their names, the names of husbands, wives, kids, as well as their health conditions and needs. Our store is stocked with careful attention to food allergies, diabetes, gluten-sensitivity and post-cancer health requirements.
For many of us, L’Autre Choix is a food oasis in the middle of Westmount where mutual trust and loyalty lead to strong relationships with customers and everyone leaves with something authentic, whether it is food, conversation, friendship or all of the above.